As the New Year begins, so do the New Year’s resolutions which include a drink and gym membership. If you are wondering is drinksupermarket reliable then, I can assure you that it is. Also, you can check out fitness companies reviews to get yourself started on a fitness and diet plan if you haven’t already.
At a time like this, you may feel the need to give up drinking as it could get in the way of your new health-conscious routine – but the question is: Do you really need to?
The answer is no, which may come as surprise to many because alcohol and fitness usually aren’t usually grouped in the same category.
Here are some reasons why you can still enjoy that glass of red wine tonight while remaining healthy and fit!
Wine can lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases
In a study done by the Researchers from the European Society of Cardiology, a group of individuals were made to consume moderate amounts of red wine 5 days a week while simultaneously exercising, whereas a separate group of individuals were made to consume red wine without any exercise during that time period. It was found that the individuals who had only drunk had no significant increase or decrease in levels of cholesterol, blood glucose, triglycerides, or levels of inflammatory markers like C-reactive protein.
Combining drinking with exercise
The research found that Individuals who drank and exercised too, there was a dramatic decrease in cholesterol levels, hence researchers concluded that with the aid of exercise, wine can prove to be beneficial for preventing cardiovascular diseases.
Wine consumption stimulates the release of endorphins
Endorphins create a sense of well-being and pleasure in humans, which can either act as motivation to exercise or can provide a rewarding feeling when you are finished with …